
It’s All About Location, Location, Geolocation

Date: January 19, 2020
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ESI Analyst’s HTML Export Functionality Solves The Production Problem Of Location-Based Digital Evidence

ESI Analyst is proud to announce the release of its export functionality that includes production of geolocation-based data. Locations can be easily produced and shared between parties using our convenient self-contained HTML export format that includes an embedded map with location indicator. Features include options to choose various zoom levels and map types ranging from street view to hybrid satellite view.  

Today’s “always-on” digital devices are constantly tracking and recording our locations, and by the looks of things, that is not going to change anytime soon. These locations are often key components of an investigation, allowing digital and forensic investigators to place individuals at specific locations related to nefarious activity. Our devices, using a combination of cellular and WiFi connections, can often pinpoint our location to within a 16-foot radius

Geolocation data can be easily produced and shared among parties to a litigation or investigation.

However, our smartphones are not the only thing tracking us. Every time you connect to the Internet, many websites and online services capture your IP address. In some cases, you may be blocked from accessing a particular website based upon your computer’s public facing IP address, as it can be also be used to identify your location. While not as accurate as your smartphone’s GPS, IP address mapping can be accurate down to a city or regional area. IP address location-based systems are often used to ensure compliance with various government regulatory requirements, such as OFAC as an example. 

Whatever the requirement may be, digital investigations involving a myriad of electronically stored information are often challenged to leverage location-based data in the course of electronic discovery. ESI Analyst readily solves this problem by providing the ability to perform location-based lookups using geographical coordinates, IP addresses or physical addresses. Map points are easily reviewed and tagged using our in-map review capabilities and can be filtered by type, date stamp and address lookup values. 

Now with our newly released export to HTML format, geolocation data can be easily produced and shared among parties to a litigation or investigation. Data is exported with its relevant metadata paired with an embedded map with an indicator for the location. Optional features for production include the ability to include a system message that indicates the accuracy of the lookup performed. Below is an example of our export format. 

Not every investigation has a location component, but if your investigation needs to deliver context of the who, what, when and where, ESI Analyst delivers. Arrange a demonstration today and discovery our easy, simple and intuitive approach to electronic discovery review and investigation technology.  

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