Case Study

Rapid Identification Of Relevant Text Messages Expedites Production

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ESI Analyst's Actor Linking Technology Speeds Discovery

A civil litigation required the production of text messages from the litigant's iPhone. The iPhone was imaged and all forms of text-based communications were extracted, which included iMessage, SMS and MMS. The chat threads included images, video, as well as animated gifs that required expedited analysis to meet early production deadlines. 

ESI Analyst was able to reduce the gross message population of approximately 75,000 text messages by 91%, narrowing the data set to a potentially relevant subset of 9% of the overall text message population. Using ESI Analyst's automated Link Analysis technology, the client was able to rapidly identify Actors within the data population leveraging the primary Actor's iPhone contact list.

ESI Analyst was able to reduce the gross message population of approximately 75,000 text messages by 91%, narrowing the data set to a potentially relevant subset of 9% of the overall text message population.

Matching Actor phone numbers and email addresses to the data population, a process performed automatically by ESI Analyst leveraging its Actor Profile technology, paired with limiting messages using date parameters, the relevant population was reduced to approximately 7,000 individual text messages. A production of text messages to the opposing side was achieved in less than 24 hours of loading data to ESI Analyst with limited review. Additionally, all potentially privileged text conversations were quickly isolated and excluded from production based on the Actor matching methodologies applied.

The rapid understanding of participating Actors in various text-based communications resulted in incredible cost savings to the end-client, saving countless hours of manual review time.



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